Петроложко изследване на метасоматично променени гранитоидни скали от находище “ Канарата“, Сакар, Югоизточна България
Автор: 02.02.2020 г.
, Публикувана наPristavova, S., N. Tzankova, N. Gospodinov, P. Filipov. 2019. Petrological study of metasomatic altered granitoids from Kanarata deposit, Sakar Mountain, Southeastern Bulgaria. – Journal of Mining and Geological Sciences, Volume 62, Number 1, 2019, 53-61.
ABSTRACT. The present article is a result of the study of the altered granitoid rocks cropping out in the north-eastern periphery of the Sakar batholith. The investigated rocks are enriched by amphibolite xenoliths and additionally, they are intensively metasomatically altered. The mineral composition of the studied rocks is presented by minerals of the amphibole group (Ca-Mg hornblende and barroisite), plagioclase (albite), quartz, K-feldspar (single grains), titanite, rutile, apatite, and zircon. The typical magmatic textures in the rocks are missing. The albite druses developed in the caverns represent intensively metasomatically re-worked amphibolite xenoliths, rutile, titanite, barroisite and apatite mineralizations that are genetically related to the process of Na-alteration. The dated U-Pb zircon population in the metasomatically altered granitoids shows the igneous origin and the obtained data confirm the early Paleozoic age of the Sakar batholith.
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